The AIA’s Citizen Architect Resolution describes civically engaged professionals serving their communities. AIA believes that these advocates for the greater public good should be actively supported in their efforts by […]
Dear Buffaloves, Hope you have enjoyed our Summer of Love, walked a garden story, and indulged in some Canalside fun with us. Now, it is time to celebrate our award […]
Architecture + Education Volunteer Outreach
The Buffalo Architecture Foundation (BAF) is looking for volunteer architects for the 2015 Architecture + Education (A+E) program. This is a unique opportunity to engage school-age children with architecture, collaborate […]
Every building (and garden) has a story.
July 25-26, 2015 will marks the 21st year that Garden Walk Buffalo has been welcoming garden enthusiasts from around the country into yards around the City of Buffalo. This year […]
Meet Tamarah Begay, AIA.
A few years ago, after joining the American Institute of Architects National Diversity and Inclusion Council, I learned a statistic that I would like to share with you. Less than […]
BAF at the AIA Design Awards
Award: verb, \ə-ˈwȯrd\: to give by judicial decree or after careful consideration; to confer or bestow as being deserved or merited. I had the pleasure of attending the 2015 AIA/ […]
To our Generous Sponsors, Partners and Volunteers, Thank You!
What better way to end the year than thanking those who have helped make this year BAF’s best yet! As we look forward to growing our programs in 2015, we would like […]
Whether it is solidifying our presence in the Buffalo community through our newly launched website, twitter, and Instagram or receiving the coveted Margaret Wendt Funding for our programming, the Buffalo […]
BAF Vice President Linsey Graff Receives the AIA NYS Associate Award
Congratulations to our BAF Vice President Linsey Graff, Assoc. AIA, who has received the 2014 Associate Award for the AIA NYS Chapter! If you know Linsey, whether through BAF, the […]
About the Pro Bono Publico Awards
So many meaningful professional and life experiences from my years spent in Philadelphia and Washington DC, came back with me when I returned home to Western New York. While in […]